Rodas No Ar i Bissau

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Avenida dos Combatentes da Liberdade da Pátria, Bissau, GW Guinea-Bissau
Kontakter telefon: +245 969 055 575
Latitude: 11.888985, Longitude: -15.6514084
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Kommentar 5

  • Safiatu Lopes Sila

    Safiatu Lopes Sila


  • Alcides Gomes

    Alcides Gomes


  • Albano Barai

    Albano Barai


    Restaurante com vista para placa da aerogare e com excelentes pratos a preços bem aceitáveis.

  • Alexis Mendes

    Alexis Mendes



  • Frederik Schaltz-Buchholzer

    Frederik Schaltz-Buchholzer


    Rodas no Ar has great wine and a beautiful atmosphere, with AC abd a luxery interior. You can dine while watching the runway of one of the smallest and most peculiar international airports. There is also a large outdoor balcony with a 180 degree view of the runway. It is even a good option to go sit and have a cup of coffee if you need to wait for someone at the airport, where there are very few seats open to the public. The wines are excellent too, but to the quite pricey side, which is also the case for the dining options, of which they are often out.

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