Pensão Creola i Bissau

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Bissau, Guinea-Bissau
Kontakter telefon: +245 6633031
Latitude: 11.8603474, Longitude: -15.5839406
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Kommentar 5

  • H. Rohan Nair

    H. Rohan Nair


    I stayed here a few days. The small single with en suite (room 5) goes for 16000 cfa (£20), and as such is overpriced like everywhere else in Bissau. Room needs lots of work, bathroom musty and dirty. Room airless. Do insist on the generator being kept on at night, the swiss owner tried to say it was too expensive to keep it on (I was the only guest at that point), and I spent one sweaty sleepless night as a result! Suggested I'd leave to a hotel for subsequent nights if electricity backup not provided - only then was I given electricity for the fan to run at night. Tip: Hotel Malaika has a nice air conditioned lounge area with working WiFi. You can escape to here if Bissau gets too hot during the day for some peaceful time with your laptop.

  • Ana Rainho

    Ana Rainho


    A very pleasant, familiar place to stay in Bissau. Clean, comfortable and right at the centre downtown

  • David Rueda

    David Rueda


    Curiós hotel-hostal amb un ambient agradable i aprop de "tot" al bell mig del centre de la capital de Guinea-Bissau. Tracte molt humà i proper del personal que faran possible tot allò que estigui al seu abast per ajudar-vos. Té espai per cuinar i les habitacions són bàsiques en qualitat-preu. És coneguda i és aprop d'alguns bars.

  • Carolina Roccon

    Carolina Roccon


    Habitações simples, hospedei-me no período chuvoso e tinham goteiras no quarto. Havia muita umidade nas paredes e os quartos que vi me pareceram pouco ventilados e iluminados. Não ofereciam pequeno almoço. A localização é excelente, muitos supermercados e restaurantes no entorno. Vale a pena para a chegada em Bissau até se estabelecer. O preço é alto pelo que é oferecido quando comparado ao padrão internacional, mas é barato se comparado a hotéis em Bissau (cerca de 30 euro/ noite com WC privativo em agosto/17)

  • magda bull

    magda bull


    Pensão Creola is the best you can get in Bissau, lovely hosts and nice tiddy rooms. Highly recomended.

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