Restaurante Ali Baba i Bissau

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Praça, Bissau, Guinea-Bissau
Kontakter telefon: +245
Latitude: 11.8634191, Longitude: -15.5830051
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Kommentar 5

  • David Degner

    David Degner


    Continuing the tradition of Ali Baba's in every Western African capital. This one is particularly disappointing with no actual middle eastern food except for some day old shwarma. The pizzas are thin on the topping and use pita bread as the crust. The Philly Sandwich tastes good but is expensive for how little meat there is in it. Worth trying when you get tired of everything else.

  • fares dayekh

    fares dayekh


  • Bado Saraiva

    Bado Saraiva


  • Tor Egon Mikkelsen

    Tor Egon Mikkelsen


    Tasty food recommend the Shwarma good prices

  • Frederik Schaltz-Buchholzer

    Frederik Schaltz-Buchholzer


    The place is a little dirty, but the food is tasty and cheap if you are looking for fast food which is to the greesy side. Lebanese owned.

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